Static is Dead: Why Shoppable Cards and Video Will Eat Editorials Alive

Visual Shopping
October 18, 2024
Static images are dead. In a world where attention is king, brands can’t afford to waste time on passive, pretty pictures. Enter shoppable picture cards and videos - tools like Sauce’s ‘Shop the Look Cards’ are turning editorial content into shopping experiences. Readers aren’t just scrolling; they’re clicking, buying, and sticking around longer. The game has changed. Shoppable content drives engagement and conversions, giving brands and publishers a win-win. The future is interactive, dynamic, and frictionless. If your content isn’t shoppable, you’re already losing.
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We’re in a world where attention is the most valuable currency, and static images just aren’t paying the bills anymore. The editorial game is changing, and if you’re not changing with it, you're already behind. The future isn’t static - it’s interactive, shoppable, and immediate. Sauce Social Commerce is giving websites the tools to evolve with 'Shop the Look Cards', a way to turn your images and videos into instant shopping experiences, making product discovery seamless.

1. Editorials 1.0: A Nostalgic Look at Static:

Static images were great... in 2010. They set the stage, gave readers something pretty to look at, and then... nothing. Readers browsed, maybe clicked around, but the moment they wanted to buy something? They’re off at best to search your site, probably already on Amazon, and you’ve lost them. The consumer demands frictionless experiences, and static images simply can’t deliver.

The Bauwerk Colour Editorial section, The Alchemist, is a prime example of editorial photography done with impeccable taste and style. However, once the reader is inspired, how many steps will it take for them to actually reach the desired product? Whether it’s 3 steps or 15, it’s often one too many—especially when the photographs showcase multiple products, making the journey from inspiration to purchase more complicated than it needs to be.

2. Meet 'Shop the Look Cards': The New Engagement Engine:

'Shop the Look Cards' are the new kid on the block, but unlike the flashy newcomers that disappear, this one’s sticking around. Sauce has made it simple - these cards let you embed shoppable images and videos right into your editorial content. Readers aren’t just reading or passively consuming anymore. They’re clicking, exploring, and more importantly—buying—without ever leaving the article. It’s the holy grail of editorial monetisation.

Shoppable cards can display interactive videos or photos, letting users explore and buy products directly from the content. Customise the experience with discreet text links or bold product thumbnails to match your editorial’s aesthetic.

3. Shoppable Cards: The Attention Magnet:

Engagement is the new battleground, and if you're still using static images, you’re fighting with one hand tied behind your back. Shoppable cards are designed for attention—flashy, interactive, and made for the click-happy, mobile-first generation. When you combine editorial storytelling with a shoppable interface, you’ve got a perfect storm of engagement. Readers are not just scrolling; they’re exploring products, and every click brings them closer to a purchase.

Adding a sense of realism to your product presentations boosts conversions and purchase impulse by helping customers envision successful outcomes for themselves, making the results feel more achievable and believable.

4. Video is Eating the World - And Your Editorials Should Too:

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a thousand clicks. Shoppable videos are the most powerful way to bring products to life. Think about it: you can watch how that jacket looks in motion, see the fit, get a feel for the material - and all of that in a format built to keep attention. TikTok and Instagram have proved it - people love shopping through video. The smart brands are embedding shoppable videos into editorials and watching their conversion rates skyrocket.

Adding videos directly into your editorial makes your content more engaging. The Picture Card format keeps readers focused on your article, avoiding the risk of losing them to YouTube’s distractions and competing videos.

5. Discoverability: The Name of the Game:

There’s no point in producing great content if nobody can find your products. That’s where shoppable cards and videos shine. Instead of relying on users to figure out where to buy that killer look or perfect pair of shoes, you're giving them a direct line to purchase - embedded right there in the content. No need to search or leave the page. It's instant gratification in its finest form, and it’s a direct line to better conversion rates.

Videos and photos are powerful visual tools for showcasing related products, often outperforming generic “you may also like” suggestions. They provide a stronger sense of visualisation, helping customers connect with the items in a more engaging and meaningful way.

6. Why Publishers and Brands Both Win:

The benefits? Everyone wins. Brands get higher conversion rates, publishers see readers sticking around longer, and users? They get what they came for - an easy, seamless path from inspiration to purchase. This is where content is heading - away from the passive experience and toward something that’s dynamic, engaging, and immediately shoppable.

Publishers now have the advantage of seamlessly blending commercial interests with editorial content in a way that feels contextually relevant. This approach allows them to promote brand interests while tracking and evaluating results alongside traditional advertising goals. For instance, House & Garden, a Condé Nast publication, relies on banner ads to monetise its traffic. However, in a world where shoppable content can sit alongside editorials, a new opportunity arises—one that benefits both the publisher and the brands they feature, creating a more integrated and profitable experience for all parties.


The days of static images dominating editorials are done. Shoppable picture cards and videos aren’t just the future - they’re the now. With tools like Sauce’s 'Shop the Look Cards', you can turn every piece of content into a revenue driver and keep your audience engaged. Static is dead. Long live the shoppable future.

Ready to level up your editorial content?

Discover how Sauce Social Commerce’s 'Shop the Look Cards' can turn your website into a shoppable powerhouse.